It can be difficult to choose a temperature logger, especially the right temperature logger. There are stacks of options for you when you are choosing a temperature logger. Here are the key questions you need to ask yourself.

Do I need an external probe?
An external probe is useful if you need to measure the temperature inside a product.

Do I need a display on the logger?
A display is useful if you need real-time readings of the temperature.

Do I need LED indicators?
This will show you in real-time if the temperature exceeds your pre-defined values. This could be used to ensure a fridge doesn’t get too hot or cold.

What temperature range do I want to measure?
The standard LogTag will operate between -40°C and 80°C. However, you can choose the “Dry Ice” LogTag and measure from -80°C to 20°C. If you need to measure higher temperatures, you may be interested in our other logger, the Thermocron.

How much do I want to record?
In other words, how many samples do you want to store? Samples is the number of recordings that the logger can hold before it runs out of space. Once you’ve run out of samples you need to download the results or loose data. For example, if you record every five minutes for 1 day, that would require 288 samples a day. For 10 days at this rate, you would need 2, 880 samples. If you want to record every minute a day for 10 days, you require 14, 440 samples.

Compare LogTag models

Model Temperature Range Samples Display LEDs? External Probe
LT -30°C to 85°C 16,000 None Alert and OK None
LOGDISP -30°C to 60°C 7,770 Yes None None
LOGEXT -30°C to 85°C 8,000 None Alert and OK Yes
LOGHUM -30°C to 85°C 8,000 None Alert and OK None
DRY ICE -80°C to 40°C 8,000 None Alert and OK None
LOGDISPEX -40°C to 99°C 7,770 Yes None Yes

Purchase a LogTag Logger