“My LogTag returned an error message with a number – what does it mean?”

The following table describes the error code values, their meaning and possible remedies. If problems do persist, please check that you have the latest version of the software available, which can be confirmed through the “Check for updates” command in the “Help” menu.

Value Definition Possible Resolution
$0 Operation completed successfully
$1 General failure Obtain and install a newer version of the software.
If problem persists please contact support for further assistance.
$2 Unable to communicate – No access to the communication port Unplug the interface for at least 10 seconds and then re-plug interface.
Try connecting the interface to a different port socket.
$3 File/disk error while accessing LogTag®information within a file. Use disk validation and repair tools, like scandisk or chkdsk, to attempt to repair the issue.
Obtain and install a newer version of the software. If problem persists please contact support for further assistance.
$4 Unable to communicate – No Response from LogTag® See separate description above. If unsuccessful, replace or return to distributor
$5 Unable to communicate – Communication Port not responding Check that an interface is connected, if not disable the usage of the port in the Options.
Uninstall the port and then restart the computer.
If using a converter, like a USB-RS232 cable, try using a LogTag® USB interface cradle.
$6 Memory allocation error Software has run out of RAM to operate successfully.
Close some applications that are currently running. Increase the physical amount of RAM in computer.
$7 Invalid parameter in communication An internal error. Obtain and install a newer version of the software.
If problem persists please contact support for further assistance.
$8 The hardware and/or operating system of the system accessing the library method does not support the system requirements of the library. Check that the system meets minimum requirements of the software. Update IE from Microsoft.
$9 Password required but not supplied Software was unable to gain secure access to the LogTag®. Obtain and install a newer version of the software.
If problem persists please contact support for further assistance.
$A Data format error – please upgrade software  


Upgrade your software.

$B Unsupported product – please update software
$C Unsupported file – please update software
$D LogTag®version error – please update software
$E Communications protocol error – please upgrade software
$F LogTag®configuration error – not supported or incorrect Obtain and install a newer version of the software.
If problem persists please contact support for further assistance.
This error may require the unit to be returned for repair.
$10 The software failed to perform the operation because the user cancelled the operation before it was completed. Try again.
Obtain and install a newer version of the software.
If problem persists please contact support for further assistance.
$11 An internal error has occurred. Close all copies of the software and/or restart computer.
Obtain and install a newer version of the software.
If problem persists please contact support for further assistance.
$12 LogTag® Trip Usage limit exceeded Return unit to distributor
$13 Unable to communicate – Communication Port unsupported or Modem Port Plug the interface cradle into a different communication port on the computer.
Contact your IT support to investigate and resolve hardware conflicts on this communication port.
$14 User Server cannot establish TCP connection Check TCP/IP network support is installed and enabled.
Check there is an active network connection, which is able to communicate/connect to the reset of the network.
Contact your administrator to check TCP/IP connections and settings.
$15 User Server cannot connect to locked user account Contact your administrator to grant access to your account.
$16 Internal error code indicating that a component of the software is out of date. Obtain and install the latest version of the software. If problem persists please contact your distributor.
$17 The software is unable to successfully connect to the LogTag® User Server software. Obtain and install the latest version of the software. If problem persists, contact your administrator to update the copy of LogTag® User Server.