LogTag Temperature Recorders
LogTag Temperature Recorders

[email protected]

“What do the light patterns on the LogTag mean?”

The LogTag’s LED’s signal a number of different events or status information. The table below contains a summary of the light patterns you may come across during use.

Signal Sequence Occurrence
LogTag®wake-up signal Sequence of four alternate flashes of green-red LED’s
  • displayed after configuration has been successfully applied to the LogTag®.
  • when a LogTag® is woken up from hibernation.Not to be mixed up with…
LogTag® start-up signal Sequence of sixteen alternate flashes of green-red LED’s
  • displayed when the LogTag® starts its recording cycle.
Mark signal Sequence of five simultaneous flashes of green and red LED’s
  • displayed when pressing start/mark button while recording to indicate an inspection mark in the software.
  • displayed directly after the start-up signal following a push button start where a recording delay has been configured. In this instance the start-up signal is repeated when the actual recording begins.
Logging active, no alert present Single flash of green LED every 4 seconds (approx.)
  • indicates LogTag®is recording.This is not displayed when pre-start is active and the main logging cycle has not yet started. It is also not displayed when the green LED has been turned off in the configuration screen.
Logging finished, no alert present Single flash of green LED every 8 seconds (approx.)
  • indicates LogTag®has finished recording.This is not displayed when the green LED has been turned off in the configuration screen.

    Will also be displayed when unit has been woken up from hibernation.

Alert condition present Single flash of red LED every 4 seconds
  • displayed when the LogTag®has detected an alert condition and the Alert LED has been activated.If an alert is present you cannot determine if the unit is still logging or has finished its log cycle. The Alert LED will flash every 4 seconds to ensure an alarm condition is not overlooked.
Communication The green LED will flash occasionally
  • during communication with the interface the green LED will flash occasionally; no information is conveyed in this.
Start button press red LED glows faintly
  • This is by design but conveys no information.