“The LogTag Access Wizard reports COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4 are not found or are already in use. What do I do?”

This error means that LogTag Analyzer cannot find an attached interface or LogTag product. In the following example:

  • COM1 cannot be used for attaching an interface (most likely this is a modem port or similar)
  • COM2 is available for use, but no interface was detected. If you are using an RS232 interface on COM2, but it is not found by the software, the most likely cause is the plug not being inserted correctly.
  • A USB interface was found in one of the USB ports, but no logger was detected.

If you only use USB interfaces we recommend you go to “Options” – “Communication Ports” and remove the tick in front of the Communication ports you are not using. This will also speed up your download process as the software no longer uses these ports.